Category Archives
Please pick a tax news item from the list below.
- (UK) Changes To The Non Resident Landlords Scheme - 05.05.15
- (UK) Updated HMRC Guidance on ATED - 24.04.15
- (UK) Further HMRC Guidance On Diverted Profits Tax - 23.04.15
- (UK) Finance Act 2015 And Diverted Profits Tax - 31.03.15
- (UK) March 2015 Budget - 20.03.15
- (UK) FTT Decision In Office Development Case - 11.03.15
- (UK) Court Of Appeal Decision In Eclipse Film Partners Case - 04.03.15
- (UK) Project Blue And SDLT Avoidance - 31.01.15
- (UK) Consultation On Tax Enquiries And Closure Rules - 30.01.15
- (UK) HMRC Issues Draft Guidance On Modifications To The Corporate Rescue Exemption - 26.01.15